what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday Night

I should be sleeping, but I just don't want to do it. I am supposed to check in at 6:00 a.m. Which means we have to be on the road driving at 5 a.m. I then fill out my paper work and go get my surgery MRI done. After that it is surgery! I don't feel nervous. I will be asleep, so I will be fine. Hopefully, everyone else is fine, too.

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