what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"RE: Katrina's Religious Views" or "Why I Agree."

            Let me preface this. Religion is not something I'm very comfortable discussing openly with more than a select few people. Everyone has differing opinions on what is and isn't true as well as what things do and do not mean. I think that religion is and should be a highly personal thing and apart from the basic doctrines of the gospel so should the application. In defense of this view I point out that the lord gives us only a handful of commandments and lots of guidelines. I also hate feeling like I'm preaching or being preached to. My relationship with god is personal. That said I can jump into my response.

           Can God Remove Katrina's Tumor? YES, he is God for crying out loud. Will he? Probably not. The question then becomes why.

            I have always viewed God as a loving father rather than a mysterious entity who commands me from on high, and takes little notice of me other than to see if I do, or don't follow him. The role of Father is one I better understand now that I have children of my own. This view of him as a father, has allowed me to lean on him like I would my own father at times like this when I need help. So let's relate what I know about fatherhood to God and Katrina's situation.

            I have two examples that I want to put out there. First, there are times when my children do things that I know are dangerous and will cause them pain. If I always remove the potential for harm they will continue to find i,t and flirt with the danger. So there are times when, if their life and long term well being are not at risk, I let them hurt themselves. Now, that is not to say that I sit idly by and watch. I warn them, "Don't play with that you'll hurt yourself." however, I don't prevent them from making that choice. They learn better and more thoroughly to trust me and to stay away from the things I tell them to leave alone if I let them discover  it on there own. I think that, this is a good example of how God works with us.

           Now the second example, and the one I feel applies most here. When I watch my children struggle with something; a toy, how to do something etc., my instinct is to jump in and save them the frustration by doing it for them.  However, if I do that they will not learn from the experience and they won't grow from figuring it out. Now if they ask me for help should I just do it for them because they asked? It's more effective to give them a nudge in the right direction and see what they can do. It builds their confidence and makes them stronger.

            Now, given that I view God as a Father figure let's apply the second example to our current situation. If we don't ask for help I don't think God will intervene. I reference this picture which is based on Revelation 3: 20.
         Here we see Jesus knocking at a door without a handle on the the outside. He wants to come in and help but we must take the first step and open the door.  Most times God will not intervene where we do not ask him to. So if we ask for help does God just remove the obstacle we face? Most of the time he does not. Jesus prayed in Gethsemane " Father, if thou be willing remove this cup from me," and yet we know that he did not. Do we suppose that our trials are greater than those that Jesus faced? The Lord will help us face those things that we need to face if we ask. He can guide us, he can guide the hand of the surgeon or call to his mind some method that will help the most. By helping instead of removing the Lord helps us to grow in faith and strength.  Like a loving father God allows us to scrape our knees, and to struggle with problems so that we may grow. All things shall be for our good. God knows the end from the beginning, where as we can only see this moment, this life that is only a blink in eternity. What more could I ask for than strength to face this, comfort with whatever the outcome may be, and that if the lord is willing, he preserve my wife?


  1. He will take her in his hands and help her and your family thru this struggle. He will give you both strength and he will heal her with all the love and prayers from your loving family. This is only a step in time God knows of her and loves her. He is there for us always. Like in the story just knock and ask but be specific about what you want and pray for that. Tell him exactly the outcome you both want from this experience. Tell him the reasons that she needs to be healed and whole again. Tell him of your fears and concerns. He will listen and he will do what you ask. He will always honor you prayers. I have learned this from a lot of situations in my life and I know that he would never take away a life of someone you need in your life. So just pray. I will do the same. We love you.

  2. Scott, thank you for sharing this. I LOVE you and hope the same.

    Aunt Pam

  3. Scott...so eloquently written. It touched my heart. I pray for your faith to remain strong along with my prayers for healing.
