what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

7-6-10 Afternoon Update

There has been some talk of discharging her. Nothing concrete just a hint of it on the wind. Rehabilitation came in today and said they thought it would be a good idea for her to come to them for in patient rehab after she is released. I'm really kind of torn. She seems to do pretty good with stuff if you ask me, I mean given that her brain was just sliced open and fondled for twelve hours just four days ago.  Also, she isn't doing very good here. It's a lot noisier in this wing of the hospital and the lady next door is very combative about EVERYTHING, which just creates more noise. All they are really doing now is giving Katrina pain pills. She's not hooked up to anything. Just laying in bed and taking pain pills. I can't get a straight answer from her about what she wants to do other than she doesn't want to sleep her because of the lady next door and the helicopters.

I just worry about getting her home and something happening. The nurse or somebody should be in shortly and then hopefully we can talk to them about it.

Edit: 6:04

We just spoke with one of the doctors. They are talking about moving her to rehab tomorrow. I'm kind of bummed because I was hoping she wouldn't need it. That's okay though. I need to check with the insurance to see what they'll cover with regards to that.

I'm tired of the hospital.  

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