what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I feel bad.

I feel bad about the rant I went on this morning. I've got to remember that for the most part these nurses really are trying to do their best and that they are in a tough position between the doctors and the patients sometimes. We've never been treated badly by anyone down here. I've got to remember that not every nurse has talked to us and already knows our needs. A lot can get missed at shift change. That is why I am here, to be an advocate for my wife, and I need to do it with patience. Things worked out in the end. I've always been a "Let's dive in and fix the problem now" type of person and all the waiting and slow progress of things kills me sometimes.


  1. Hang in there...yes they are doing their best but you have to be your own advocates. Believe me when I say I KNOW this from experience. Always ask, question, and push for what you know. As you said you are there all the time, the nurses change shifts, you know what is what. You have those rights and they work for you... :) It can get frustrating and you need to convey that to the nurse at that time what your frustrations are and if they are doing their job they will listen. Keep your chin up!!! Love you
    Aunt Pam

  2. Sometimes venting about your frustrations makes you feel better. You are in a tough situation, so feel free to vent anytime. I experienced similar problems when I was a patient at Huntsmans/University of Utah. As you noted there are a lot of great people and a few that are not so great. The weekend shift seemed to be the worst. Remember if you really have trouble with someone, you can request they not treat Katrina anymore. I did this and it helped a lot. You are doing an awesome job supporting Katrina.
    Cindee Alexander (Teri's sister-in-law)
