what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

7-3-10 Morning Update

She is doing WAY better than last night. She's talking and trying to look around. I'm super encouraged. I wouldn't say that she is night and day compared to last night, but maybe night and dawn. Physical therapy is here working with her right now. They have her sitting up and she seems to be doing pretty good with all the things she is being asked to do.


  1. Wow Scott! That is amazing! What a miracle she is! And thanks for posting the updates.

  2. We are so thrilled for you guys!!!!!

    The Ford family

  3. People you don't even know are offering prayers on her and your behalf!

  4. This is very encouraging news Scott. Thank you for letting all of us share this journey with you through your posts. We love Katrina and it's so important to us to know how she is doing. Please tell Maureen and JonClare we are thinking of them too.
    Bev, Candi, Lori, Michael, & Bryan

  5. Please let Katrina know that graduation went well (except a few technical difficulties). Her class looked terrific and very grown up. During a slide show presentation Katrina's picture inspired loud cheers from the students. She is very beloved at school. Thank you for sharing the updates with us. We have her in our hearts and prayers.

  6. Katrina: Your dad just sent me the link for this blog. Since he first notified me, I have been praying for you: if the tumor couldn't disappear, then a complete and speedy recovery. I know you are strong and determined, so I have no doubt you will be able to fully overcome this. I just finished reading the newspaper article (Hermionne looks just like you at that age) and all the blogs. I really enjoyed reading them and especially your thoughts. I had been wondering how you were doing and coping with this. Know that eventhough I'm in Arizona, my love is with you and I am pulling for you (and Scott). Don't hesitate to let me know if I can help physically in any way; I'll be there in a heartbeat.
    Love you, Aunt Jo
