what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

7-6-10 Morning Update

She was pretty upset when we got here this morning. She is also pretty loopy, meaning she has had lots of "Visitors;"  People who I know haven't been down to see her. I get the impression that she didn't sleep well last night and that she is having trouble telling the difference between her dreams and reality. 

I also forgot to mention that she got moved to a new room last night. she is now in Nuero-Acute Care. She still can't really receive visitors though.

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