what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ever catch yourself putting things in odd places? Like the milk in the cupboard? And do you know the feeling you get when you realize what you are doing makes no sense? I've felt that A LOT this evening. I get part way through a project and then walk away without realizing that I did it. For example. I sat Katrina down to the table for dinner then walked outside, watered my gardens, fed the dog, changed Chantry's diaper, then realized that Katrina was sitting at the table without food. Even as I type this I realize that i got part way through taking the garbage out  since it is trash pickup tomorrow.  I don't know about you but I suspect the garbage man is not going to drive his truck across my lawn and driveway to get the can that is currently parked at my front door. Nor, come to think of it, would I want him to.

The reason for my exhaustion is work. I had the annual august workshops yesterday and today. Top that with the stress and lack of sleep i already had and my body was/is on auto pilot. Heck, for all I know I'm sitting here pushing the letter "b" over and over again and you guys are sitting there thinking. "Wow, he must really like the letter b." (I don't even know if that made sense in words composed of multiple letters.) It's not physically draining to attend those but mentally; planning, learning, figuring, etc. Normally no big deal, but i think my brain is full and i better stop learning stuff before it explodes.

Now you're all thinking ( again assuming I'm not writing a doctoral thesis on languages comprised exclusively of the letter b)   , "Um, Scott that's great and all but how is Katrina, I mean she is the one with cancer after all, and you are just a nerd,"  and to you I say, good point.

She is having trouble with a "Sore throat" because of the radiation, But the doctor gave her a wonderful cocktail of Maalox, Benadryl, lidocaine, that she gets to swish, gargle, and otherwise imbibe four times a day so she can eat without pain. Notice I said cocktail, because I now have two boxes of Maalox and two boxes of benadryl taht I don't need because I am incapable of reading or following directions or labeling.

Well that about sums things up; I think. Oh wait, except for she  b b b bbb b bb b b bb bb b b bb b bb bbbb bb b bb b b b b bb bbb bb bb b  bbbbb bbb b bb bbbbb bbb b bbb b b bbb bb b b b b bbb b bb b b bb bb b b bb b bb bbbb bb b bb b b b b bb bbb bb bb b  bbbbb bbb b bb bbbbb bbb b bbb b b bbb bb b b b b bbb b bb b b bb bb b b bb b bb bbbb bb b bb b b b b bb bbb bb bb b  bbbbb bbb b bb bbbbb bbb b bbb b b bbb bb b b b b bbb b bb b b bb bb b b bb b bb bbbb bb b bb b b b b bb bbb bb bb b  bbbbb bbb b bb bbbbb bbb b bbb b b bbb bb b b b b bbb b bb b b bb bb b b bb b bb bbbb bb b bb b b b b bb bbb bb bb b  bbbbb bbb b bb bbbbb bbb b bbb b b bbb bb b

1 comment:

  1. I think you meant to type 'Ya Buddy, ya Baby, ya buddy baby boy, ya baby, ya buddy, ya baby buddy boy, baby boy, buddy baby boy, ya buddy.'

    Seriously though, just wanted to make a quick post to let your wife know she's amazing. She shouldn't be too hard on herslef or think she's dumb. We saw her in the hospital and then, two weeks later, we saw her at home and we saw alot of improvement. Tell her to keep up the fight and to be proud of herself.

    And Scott, about the DMB concert, I have 4 tickets but only three people are using them. Should you change your mind, your welcome to the fourth ticket; I'm not trying to change your mind, and I won't bring it up again, but just know there'll be a ticket if you want it. Even healthy people need breaks sometimes.

    See you both soon, take care.
    -Chantry and Briana
