what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

1 week 1 day to go. 3 mini posts

Below are three mini posts share and enjoy.

             So we are done with another week. Her nausea has slowly started to abate. She's now only sick in the mornings and we only have to give her anti nausea pills then as opposed to one or two more times a day on top of that. They told us today that they will set up an appointment after about a month from the end of our treatment to look at whether or not to do chemo. Her hair has started to slowly grow back but a lot of it is super light. Her sister is betting that it will be super light blond like her own. I'm betting it will be streaked with gray. We'll see, it's too short to tell right now.

Sixth Sense 

           Speaking of after about a month; Last night Katrina was telling her mom and me that she was going to take a month off before looking into chemo. I said "No you aren't you'll do what they say." Ha Ha shows what I know. I don't know what they did while they were poking around inside her head but she has some sort of extra sense now. That was just one example. There have been numerous times where I've been quietly thinking to myself about something and she'll start talking to me about it just like we had been having a conversation the whole time. Katrina, stay out of my head, there is barely enough room in here for the six of us as it is ;0P


        Katrina turned thirty this year and I'm not too far behind her. It's weird but I haven't really felt like I was aging all that much. It seemed like after about 19 or 21 I just stopped feeling any older while everyone who was younger slowly got caught up. I really felt like a big kid playing at being an adult. Oh sure I've learned in recent months that I can't sleep on the ground like I could when I was a scout without paying for it. I've also learned that I need to contact some physicists because the carpet in my house has a strange new gravitational pull after I've been sitting on it that it never had before. But I swear that the last couple of months have aged me far more than the last few years. I feel more like I should be approaching forty than thirty.




  1. hang in there life is now on the fast track and it goes fast as you get older and things that happened long time ago just comes quickly and then is gone in blink of an eye. get use to it

  2. With everything the two of you have been through these past months, it is no surprise you feel like you have aged. It is no fun having to be the grown up for sure!

    And the six sense thing...yeah, I have been telling ya'all for years it runs in the family, now her's has been accessed....poor you! Just watch out when you are playing games....it is really fun to "cheat"! hahaha

  3. That's great! I thinking the timing will be nice too. I was worried about you with work and radiation.
    And kind of cool that Katrina has a sixth sense. I'd like that.
