what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Katrina is still getting pretty frustrated with her progress. To make matters worse our  four year old daughter, who we call "H," has been telling Katrina that she is a different mommy, and that she talks bad. H doesn't mean anything by it in her mind she is just pointing things out and probably trying to figure out all this craziness by doing it. H was pretty devastated when Katrina started to cry and she realized she had hurt mommy's feelings.

So what about H's concerns. Is Katrina a different mommy? In some ways, quite frankly, yes. Most of them, I hope, are temporary. Like her inability to do much for and with the kids, and the way she sleeps most of the time. Does she "speak bad?" Well, not really. She speaks a little slower. She has a hard time adjusting her volume to compensate for any other noise. She also struggles to find the odd word her and there. But really it's not too bad.  If the only things she gets back are her balance and single vision back I think she could function pretty normally; say about 95% of where she used to be.  As it stands now I'd say she's about 85-88% of her pre-surgery normal.       


  1. My perspective from what I've observed. I believe what H is refering to is that she see's Katrina thinking and processing before she speaks / says something. Along with that she doesn't move as fast as she use to.

    I strongly believe that this will slowly disappear as she recovers.

    Let H know that mommy has a long road to travel to be better. She still loves her with all her heart. She wants to be better and is frastrated herself not being able to do things the way she did before the surgery, but this will also help in the healing.

    Katrina, remember "The oxen are slow but the earth is patient."


  2. I think you are right, H doesn't really mean to be "mean", she just doesn't know how to properly verbalize her concerns and questions.
