what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Our little boy turned two today. Happy birthday little man.

So where are we? We went to church briefly today. Which was nice, just because it felt normal. Katrina did okay with it.We got lots of well wishes from people, which we appreciate. They also announced a fundraiser that My mother-in-laws neighbor is putting on for us next Saturday.

I don't know what all it is going to entail but over the last couple of days I've gotten the idea that it is going to be quite the to-do. I have a hard time with it. Will we need the financial help? the bills have already started to come in and I don't know how we could handle them without other peoples kindness. But my pride gets in the way. I want to stand on my own two feet. I want us to "earn our bread by the sweat of our brows." At the same time you hear of medical bills and related expenses breaking people. It's a quandary I wrestle with daily. I feel awkward and embarrassed, although truly grateful, when someone slips us some money. I mean, some money that a neighbor gave us was what made it possible to buy groceries this month.  I also worry when I start thanking people, I know that I'll forget somebody, I also know that I don't even know the beginning of what people have done for us. So please If I fail to thank any of you please now that is isn't from lack of gratitude. It's more like from being overwhelmed by human kindness. I also worry that some people don't want to be thanked or named publicly. 

Sometimes, as I watch the news, or I see the way people treat each other in public I really question human kindness. It seems like we spend more time trying to kill each other than we do trying to care for one another. I get very jaded by the human condition and look at the world very cynically. I have had my eyes opened this last month or so to how many people really do care about other people. Thank you, thank you to everyone who has done anything to try to help us, from the smallest prayer to bigger acts of service. I truly do appreciate it. I know that there is no way we would have made it even this far if it hadn't been for many other people.    

1 comment:

  1. I have felt the same way about the human condition. Seems to world is going to pot and people are so cruel to each other. And then, when I have needed it the most, the amazing kindnesses of those around me have touched my heart and brought me to tears (not that the tear part is all that hard! haha). From the simplest act of a neighbor trimming my rose bushes to the tremendous undertaking of the fundraiser. We have been touched by the prayers of so many, my heart is full, and my faith in mankind has been renewed.
