what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Facing the week ahead.

Well, this week we will meet with the chemo doctor. Katrina, desperately want to get back to work and her biggest worry about Chemo is that it will set the date for her return back.

Now that radiation has been over for a while she seems to be getting stronger all the time. Her stability is improving and the stubble that is coming in on her head is getting  to where it feels pretty prickly.  We've been kind of in a holding pattern since radiation ended. Regardless of the outcome of her appointments this week it will be nice to be moving in one direction or another.

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