what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An Agonizing Decision to Make

                 Last night was long and it caused me to reflect on how things are going. I realized that I haven't been and won't be able to give the after school program as much attention and devotion as I should. I also realized that I wouldn't be able to give my wife the attention and devotion that she deserves right now. Therefore, I put in for a family medical leave of absence today with the intent to return sometime in late October or the first of November if everything goes as planned.

                    It was an agonizing decision to make. but when it boiled down to three factors. First, I really feel like my inability to function at 100% has been holding the program back as it gets going this year. Second, I am concerned about what illnesses I might bring home to her with her compromised immune system ( I have had multiple loved ones battle cancers of all different sorts and in the end it has been the compromised immune system that killed them). Third, while I was waffling on what to do I asked Katrina what she wanted. Tearfully she told me that she wanted me here with her but that she didn't want me to miss work.  That cinched it, my priority has always been her so the second half didn't matter.  


  1. Scott,

    You will be missed at your job, but I had to come to a realization during some illness in my family...when I meet my Savior hopefully he will say "job well done" and I know it will be because I put my family first, just as he put us first as his family. LOVE YOU!!

  2. Scott, I am so impressed by you. You are doing such a good job with this hard thing you have been given.

  3. You are such a great husband, reading about your story as a complete outsider I am totally impressed by your strength and compassion. Your family is very lucky to have such a devoted daddy and husband! Good luck in this adventure!

  4. Absolutely! When this is all over you will look back and remember without regret the quiet times you got to spend with Katrina. The rest of life will keep going. No matter what people say... NO ONE will appreciate your time and effort more than Katrina and your children! Thank goodness for programs like "family medical leave!" Besides, you also need to catch some shut eye when you can... I know how hard it is! I feel like a zombie some days. Hang in there. This too shall pass. Best to Katrina. Oh, and you might want some family members to snap some pictures of the kids. When Katrina gets better she might appreciate pictures to remind her of some of the cute things they have been doing while she is "under the weather," so to speak.

  5. Totally the right decision Scott! That's what FML is there for. You will be so glad that you did this and so will Katrina. I'm sure that you are weary too, so it's good. Way to go!
