what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best News in Three Months

As Katrina mentioned in her post Her MRI scan came back clean. Not just good, but Completely Clean! The Doctor said the little bit of tumor that was left has melted away. We are thrilled! After three months of bad news and trials we got the best possible news we could hope for at this stage.

So, what remains to be done? She needs to work on getting her energy back up. Her balance continues to improve as well as her speech and cognitive ability. We meet with the Chemo Doctor on Wednesday of next week to see if they still want to do Chemo just as a precaution. For the next couple of years we will have quarterly scans and follow up appointments. Then those will slowly decrease in frequency until she survives the 10 year mark.

She is doing more things around the house and I'm starting to have to keep a pretty close eye on her to make sure she isn't doing too much. We've also been getting out and doing some Geocaching which we haven't done very much since she started school to get her masters. It has been a good way to get her out of the house and walking around a bit.  We also started H with her own geocaching account so that she can start keeping track of her own finds. She has tagged along with us since she was born, and she mostly just likes going to new parks, but I figure she's old enough now to understand what we are doing so she might as well have her own.

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  1. Wonderful news! We were all so glad to hear it. Keep enjoying the time off and family time.

  2. GREAT NEW!!!! So happy for you all.

    If you want to try something new, yet similar to geocaching, check out www.letterboxing.org Same general idea of geocaching, but you usually don't need a gps. Print off the clue, and take a rubber stamp, ink pad and a notebook. Cheep entertainment!
