what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Katrina's Religious Views

Actually, this post may go against some of the religious teachings I have received.

First, I believe in miracles. However, I also realize that I am a realist. I believe a majority of the miracles were just things that couldn't be explained before. Technology and medicine are far more advanced now and can take care of many health issues. I also have an easier time believing in messed up lab work or notes put in the wrong folder. When looking at an MRI of my brain tumor, I have a hard time believing that it could just disappear. It's only the size of a golf ball!! Especially with the nose I have. My siblings and cousins should be checked if the tumor leaves my head! Really though, I was relieved to  find out something was wrong with me. I was beginning to think I was just crazy! All my symptoms match that of the tumor in the place it is. Otherwise, the doctors still wouldn't know what was wrong.

Second, I do believe in priesthood blessings. I have a hard time with expecting a blessing to take away what is there, though. They can help the people involved in a situation, but not take that situation away. I had a blessing before my MRI to check for spreading. That was after I knew about the tumor, though. I also plan on getting a blessing before the surgery to help those who have to wait and to help guide the doctors. However, I am calm and relaxed about the surgery. I am worried about what will happen after, but I have never second guessed my physician or the treatment procedure. I was ready for this.

Overall, I will be okay. Whatever happens, it won't be me who suffers. Unfortunately, it will be everyone else. I will be happy with the outcome and hope that everyone else will be able to be happy with it as well. Mostly, I just want everything to go away, though!

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