what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Trouble comes in thr. . . err . . . fours?

So It seems our trouble is not over yet. Katrina's mom was admitted to the hospital last night. She had some pockets of infection in her body and one ruptured. The doctors where hoping that surgery wouldn't be required and that her body would fight off the infection on its own.

This evening her temperature spiked and her pain "came back with a vengeance." They are taking her into the OR asap.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Doctors and School

We had a Rehab follow up appointment for Katrina today. He says he sees improvement which is encouraging. I noticed that her legs aren't spread nearly as wide as they used to have to be to keep her balance. He's also prescribing her some medication that is supposed to give a little kick in the pants to her thinking ability. Hopefully this will help her ratchet up to the high functioning, multitasking, Thinker that she used to be. Sometimes it's like she is painfully close to being back to normal, but it's just out of reach. Hopefully this gives her that little extra boost.

I Have begun the process to return to College. I got my Associates degree years ago then life happened and I never completed my course of study. It has been on my mind a lot the last few months. What would i do if I lose Katrina or she's never able to return to work. Unpleasant questions to ask myself to say the least, but I feel they are important ones to ask. I feel like I need to have my degree and right now while we watch and wait is probably about as good a time to do it as we are going to get. I'm nervous about the financial side of that. Things are ultra tight for us and will probably get worse before they get better. So I'm hoping to get some financial aid figured out.

If you know of any scholarships for male teachers let me know. I need everything I can get.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Trouble comes in threes

Trouble comes in threes. Hopefully that means we're done for a while.

After My brother and cousin have both ended up in the hospital I am sad to say that Katrina's Grandmother passed away this morning.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Doctor's Appointment Update 8-9-11

We had an appointment to follow up with the Chemo doctor today. Things still look good with no new growth. He white level counts have climbed two tenths and she weighed 99 pounds.

We had an opportunity to visit with my Cousin, His wife and My aunt and Uncle. My cousin had a farming accident Friday and hurt his hand pretty bad. He seemed in good spirits. Please pray for him and his family as they go through their struggles right now. In farming your hands are are pretty important things, and I know that they'd really appreciate the prayers. I wish that Katrina and I were in a better position to help them out some how. They are just good down to earth, friendly people, whom I really feel it a pleasure to call family.

An update on my brother, he's doing well. They seem to have the brain swelling and blood thickness under control He's up and around being a nerdy teenager again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Week

It's been a stressful week, and I'm beginning to think that the month of July is cursed for my family and me.

My brother had to come home from scout camp because he got super sick. He probably never should have gone because he wasn't feeling well that morning. It turned out that he had a blood clot in the artery in the base of his skull and he spent a few days in the hospital. He's home now but it will be some time before he can return to anything nearing normal activity.

The other thing that happen is our vehicles both need registered this month, and my truck failed safety. To make a long story short; it was a costly repair involving the axle and the rear breaks. It ended up costing a little more than half of what we were quoted, but we still couldn't afford it. Thankfully Katrina's mother was able to help us out there.

It seems like every time we start to get life figured out and things are going okay again life throws us another zinger.

Katrina sent off some paper work to the university to get into the student learning rehab center like her rehab lady wanted her too. If that goes through it will be twice a week. It will also cost us thirteen dollars a session. They gave us a huge break on the cost though. It's normally fifty or sixty bucks a session.