what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday . . . Er . . . Saturday Update 4-2-11

I didn't forget to post yesterday I just struggled all day with how/what to post.

I am usually a pretty private person so it's easy to post when things are going okay, but when we struggle my pride wants me to keep it to myself.

Katrina is really struggling at work. Her Principal told us that she has seen improvement, but It bothers Katrina that she isn't back to normal. She was so high functioning that it drives her nuts to have to struggle. For the most part the parents of her students have been very supportive. There have been those who are creating waves though, and to be honest their complaints aren't entirely without merit. I can completely understand their concerns and I know that Katrina is working her heart out to fix them. Most of all she struggles with classroom management.

We all have a sixth sense that can detect when someone is weak. It's a natural survival instinct. Unfortunately this means that subconsciously her sixth graders realize she isn't as strong as she could be and with that is a loss of respect that makes discipline harder than normal.

I have offered to find a full time job so that she can quit and stay home with our kids, but she wants to teach. She's just not the type to give up. Despite her struggles she loves her job, and she loves her students.

The second struggle that we have had this week is that her paycheck was far less than we expected. We had just enough to pay our bills with nothing left over for gas or groceries.

My mother stopped by last night and gave us a small loan (or gift if we can't pay it back). I am about to go through all of our cabinets and see what I can scrape together for meals this month. Then we'll go to the store later to try to squeeze some dollars out of dimes. I know that I should be stressed about our finances this month but I feel oddly at peace about it, like everything will be okay. Good thing my kids love mac and cheese, and ramen noodles.

After scraping the insides of my cupboards I was able to plan out enough meals so that when we went shopping we only spent $118.00. Not too shabby for a months worth of groceries.

Katrina's dad and brother showed up with a bunch stuff groceries us. We would have been okay, but it's nice to have full cabinets.

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