what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday Update on Thursday. 4-28-11

When it rains it pours . . . down the basement wall and across the billiard table.

Lately we've just seem to be having one of those spats of rough luck that everyone goes through once in a while. Yesterday was no exception.

Last summer I felt the faucet on the front of our house twist a little. A similar thing happened the same week we moved in years ago. Back then the faucet pipe broke in the house and it was a mess. Luckily, Or so I thought, that didn't happen last summer. Fast forward to yesterday and I decided to test some sprinklers on my hose. The pressure burst the pipe just like when we first moved in. only this time I was blissfully ignorant of it due to the fact that I was outside fiddle farting around. Luckily Katrina had to go down stairs for something or it could have been much much worse. fifty dollars (we don't have) and several hours later we had the water turned back on and the basement drying out.

Also we came to the tough decision that it would be better, for a number of reasons, if we found a new home for our dog. He's an AKC papered pure bred Basset Hound who has not been neutered (we originally had hoped to breed him). He's just over five years old and stubborn as an ox (Basset hounds can be like that). He's Always been an outside dog and doesn't care to be in the house for more than a few minutes unless he's getting attention. If you know anyone who might be interested let us know.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday . . . Er . . . Saturday Update 4-23-11

I meant to post yesterday but the day just got away from me.

The last couple of weeks have really been a roller coaster ride of emotion.

Last week Katrina's Principal Provided us with a letter that described the areas of concern that she was seeing with Katrina at work. It was very well worded and showed a lot of love and concern while being necessarily blunt. It described how Katrina functioned before the cancer as opposed to now to make it clear that this isn't a choice Katrina made to just stop providing the best quality work she can.

Monday we took that letter to our rehabilitation doctor at the hospital. He glanced over it an recommended that Katrina go back to part time as well as begin some cognitive therapy again. He referred us to a lady in Sugar House who he she in his opinion was the best in the state for these sorts of issues. Being the best in the state we are on a waiting list to see her.

Tuesday the district approved the hiring of another certified teacher "Sub" for Katrina to team teach with for the rest of the year.

Thursday the doctors office called us. After the doctor had looked more closely at the letter He decided that it would be best if Katrina went off work entirely. We are currently working to get her disability insurance going again.

In a way it is kind of a relief to me. It has been so hard for me to watch as she struggled and fought so hard to do the best she could and kept coming up sort at work. The fact of the matter is that she just wasn't ready cognitively to return to work. Unfortunately there was no way we could have known that without alot of pain and stress all around. She may have to work a few days into may but after that she'll be back disability for . . . we don't know how long. Maybe a year, maybe until she's 65.

I'm okay with her being home, and I'm okay with looking for work myself. The only problem is that I don't feel like I can find a job just yet if I've got to be taking her to Sugar House and back all the time. In the Mean time I mentioned that do have another project that I have been working on, so I'm going to polish up some of that and see what happens. I really hope it works, It's something I've always wanted to do and being home these last few months has given time to do it.

The future is still very unsure, but I'm more at peace than I have been in weeks.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Update 4-15-11

It has been a tough week for us. Katrina has really struggled at work this term. It is an unfortunate situation all around I don't don't think anyone involved feels good about how things have gone. Parents are understandably concerned about the education of their students. It's just not a happy situation for any of us and we are currently working with her principal and the district to see what can be done to help Katrina. We are currently working on a couple of ideas (which I won't discuss here) that should help to ensure The students get a quality education while still allowing Katrina to Work in some capacity.

I'm also putting out feelers about employment myself in hopes of possibly relieving some of her burden depending on what we her back from the district in the next little bit. Also I've been working on a project at home that one day might help with that regard as well, but again I don't want to discuss that publicly either. especially since it might all be pipe dreams anyway.

We decided just today to register our daughter for kindergarten at the school near our home instead of Katrina's school. At this point we aren't sure where Katrina will be next month let alone next year. Plus the Local school has all day kindergarten which Katrina's school doesn't

How can I sum this week up. A whole lot of yuck and a whole lot of tears.

P.S. To the anonymous person or Persons who keep dropping envelopes in Katrina's box at work; Thank You. It helps immensely.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Update 4-08-11

Well, Katrina went of track Wednesday or rather she went on spring break with her off track time starting Monday. It's nice for both of us to have the break.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday . . . Er . . . Saturday Update 4-2-11

I didn't forget to post yesterday I just struggled all day with how/what to post.

I am usually a pretty private person so it's easy to post when things are going okay, but when we struggle my pride wants me to keep it to myself.

Katrina is really struggling at work. Her Principal told us that she has seen improvement, but It bothers Katrina that she isn't back to normal. She was so high functioning that it drives her nuts to have to struggle. For the most part the parents of her students have been very supportive. There have been those who are creating waves though, and to be honest their complaints aren't entirely without merit. I can completely understand their concerns and I know that Katrina is working her heart out to fix them. Most of all she struggles with classroom management.

We all have a sixth sense that can detect when someone is weak. It's a natural survival instinct. Unfortunately this means that subconsciously her sixth graders realize she isn't as strong as she could be and with that is a loss of respect that makes discipline harder than normal.

I have offered to find a full time job so that she can quit and stay home with our kids, but she wants to teach. She's just not the type to give up. Despite her struggles she loves her job, and she loves her students.

The second struggle that we have had this week is that her paycheck was far less than we expected. We had just enough to pay our bills with nothing left over for gas or groceries.

My mother stopped by last night and gave us a small loan (or gift if we can't pay it back). I am about to go through all of our cabinets and see what I can scrape together for meals this month. Then we'll go to the store later to try to squeeze some dollars out of dimes. I know that I should be stressed about our finances this month but I feel oddly at peace about it, like everything will be okay. Good thing my kids love mac and cheese, and ramen noodles.

After scraping the insides of my cupboards I was able to plan out enough meals so that when we went shopping we only spent $118.00. Not too shabby for a months worth of groceries.

Katrina's dad and brother showed up with a bunch stuff groceries us. We would have been okay, but it's nice to have full cabinets.