what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back to it.

Well, tommorrow Katrina and I start to get back into a work routine. I have seen the way she seems to be handling getting prepared and I must say that I have been impressed by how well together she seems to be about it. Maybe I just didn't have enough faith in her, maybe I just anticipate the worst too often. I think that as long as it doesn't wear her out she'll do great.

I'm more worried about my own job now. It has been nearly, if not, five months since I've been to work regularly. I'm worried about getting back into the swing of things. I guess it is just one more step in this whole process that I'm not anxious about.

It has been such a long journey, and sometimes it seems like It has been years rather than months. I know I feel that I have aged years rather than months and I don't feel like I'm even the same person as I was. This I know, I love my wife my love for her is the strongest it ever gas been. I love my children they have been a bright spot, a lighthouse in the dark and tumultuous sea at times. The time we spent away from them gas been hard. I am eternally thankful for all the love prayers and gifts we have received.I know that without the love and support of our heavenly father I would have long since collapsed under this burden.

Thank you all for what you have done for us. It's hard to tell at this point if we are leaving the woods behind or just entering a clearing before plunging back into the dark and vine strewn pathways of the forest. either way it is nice to enjoy a little bit of sunlight for a while. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10-26 Doctor Visit Update.

They've pretty much decided to watch and see what the cancer does, instead of jumping into chemo. We have an MRI and followup scheduled next month. If the cancer doesn't come back it doesn't sound like they plan to do chemo. Also, Her white blood cells are back in normal range, although she did lose a little bit of weight. Things are going good. That is about the best we could have hoped for.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


As the first of November draws nearer I find myself looking  forward with trepidation. I'm worried about how she'll handle returning to work. I'm worried about how I'll handle returning to work. I'm worried about the doctors deciding to do chemo and setting us back. Our insurance allotted rehab appointments run out next week and I'm worried about how things will go. She has made leaps and bounds of progress thanks to rehab and soon we'll be on our own.

We have some Doctors appointments next week so unless something negative happens look for another post later next week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spinal Tap

Her spinal fluid did NOT have any cancer cells in it. Now we just have to hang in there, keep at therapy, and try to gain weight until we go back to meet with the chemo folks later this month to discuss what we are going to do.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nothing New

I figure that I ought to post an update just in case anyone is wondering. No news so far. If we haven't heard anything we'll call on Wednesday to find out about the spinal tap. She is doing good. her hair is coming back slowly. She has been reading a lot lately which is a good thing as far as exercising her eyes.