what is this blog about?

On June 18th 2010, Katrina went in to have an MRI done so the doctors could try to figure out why she was getting dizzy. What they found was a medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer) tumor between her fourth ventricle and cerebellum.

This blog is a journal for Her, and Her Husband, Scott, as they face this together.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Update 5-27-11

We've been waiting most of this month to find out if her disability insurance was going to go through or not. Yesterday we called, again, to find out what was going on. It turns out that they have been waiting for our health insurance to send her records to them.

We called the Health insurance company and they pretty much said they weren't going to provide that information to anyone and that if we wanted it done we had to go on their website and print them off ourselves. So we did and then we faxed them to the Disability insurance people. Hopefully things get going now.

Also, We found out on the 24th that we had to apply for COBRA to continue our insurance since her disability hasn't gone through yet. That's going to cost us $1300.00,which we can't afford, but that's still cheaper than trying to pay her medical bills ourselves. Yuck! The good news is that if she is approved for disability the School district will take back over paying for her insurance.

The point of this update is that we need your prayers. We are on the cusp of severe trouble. Please pray that her disability gets approved and that it happens quickly.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Update 5-20-11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Well today is Katrina's Birthday. Happy birthday love.

Therapy has been nice. Unlike the last speech therapist we saw this one involves me in the process which helps me, because then I can help re-enforce the things they are doing at home. The last one didn't even want me in the room.

We are still waiting to hear back on her disability benefits, which is frustrating. I'd just like to know where we are so we can move forward.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Update 5-13-11

We found out after the testing with the rehab lady that Katrina preforms well mentally until there is an outside distraction like a time constraint or other things going on. Then things don't work so well for her. Our insurance authorized eight sessions so we'll have lots of homework in between.

We also met with the chemo doctor again this week and her MRI still looks clean. I was really worried going in though because our luck has been touchy lately.

We've also had some very generous gifts given too us. Although we don't know who you are we want you to know we are truly grateful. Thank you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Update 5-6-11

We had her first new rehab appointment today. It went well. We were there way early because it's all interstate all the way and not stop and go city driving, which was nice.

We don't really have a rehab plan yet. She just did some testing today and she'll finish up next week; then we'll go from there.

Thank you again to people who keep praying for us, and doing whatever they can to help. I'm still surprised at people's generosity and am grateful for the blessing it has been in our lives.

Oh, By the Way, we go the basement dried out. It took like four days given the cool humidity last week but the basement is put back together. I also fixed my tub which broke Saturday night.